Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Heidi & Kate

Heidi thinks Kate is one of her dolls. She always covers her with all the blankets she can find and brings handfuls of burp cloths to her. Here she had gone to Kate's room and brought her a few blankets and burp cloths which she carefully covered her with, and then put a little toy by her head while Kate was swinging. It was 85 degrees in the house while we were waiting for the air conditioner to be fixed! It's so cute because she always says, "Here Baby Kate" .

1 comment:

Aimee said...

It would be fun to see Aden and Heidi play together. They do a lot of the same stuff. Whenever Aden gives something to Jonathan he says, "Der-go Jon-tin." (There you go Jonathan) It's so sweet.