Yesterday afternoon we took the kids for a little trip to Fairytale town in Sacramento. They had fun running around, going on the slides, looking at the animals and having snow cones. Snow cones was Ben's favorite part- he carried that thing around the whole time as you can see from the pictures. The other favorite was the roosters. The kids thought they were so funny. We are really enjoying having Dad home more for the summer after our crazy spring!
3 little cuties in the king chair. You can have birthday parties in this room. Heidi asked Ben, "Benny, you want your birthday party here?" Ben answered, "Maybe next year Heidi." I love to listen to the conversations they have now; it's so cute.

Heidi was trying to hang onto Baby Kate for the picture, but she would not cooperate

Sitting by the little minnow pond.

Guess what Ben wanted to do? "Dad, do you think you can catch one of these with your hands?"

Cutest Wizard of Oz characters ever

Ben with his snow cone in the Cinderella carriage

Sherwood Forest

This is as far as Heidi got on the crooked road before she freaked out and Dad had to rescue her

Kate and Dad- she is definitely a Daddy's girl. She must say "Daddy" a hundred times a day!

Watching the pennies go down the Wishing well was very entertaining

Here are the roosters the kids loved!