Sunday, June 21, 2009

Heidi's Purple Hearing Aids

Heidi outgrew her ear molds for her hearing aids so when we went to her appointment to order new ones, she adamantly wanted PURPLE ones. If you know Heidi, you know it is not worth arguing with her about certain things. So we ordered the purple ones and she is very proud of them. She was very excited to show them to everyone, especially Grandma T. She must have asked me ten times on the way home when Grandma could see her new hearing aids. After her appointment we stopped at Noah's to get her a bagel for being so cooperative.

She picked out her outfit for her appointment

Heidi and Kate outside the office

Heidi with her new purple ear molds

and her bagel!

1 comment:

Dene' Ogles said...

Our kids are going through a bagel faze. Every time we are at the store they are so excited to get a fresh bagel from the bakery when we're done!