Friday, October 31, 2008

Another yard project is underway

This is the third house we have bought and the third yard we have landscaped. If we ever move again and have a yard that is finished, we won't know what to do with ourselves! John has been working hard the past two weeks clearing out the overgrown plants, shoveling rocks, pulling out trees and grading. Ben has been helping him- he can't wait for him to get home every day so they can work in the yard. He hops out of his "nap" and says, "What does Dad want me to wear?" I think his favorite job was using the big "chompers" as he calls them to "chomp" down the giant weeds, which he informed me were bigger than Goliath. He has spent hours moving rocks from bucket to bucket and washing them. He also asked me if he could invite Andrew over to teach him how to grade. What a fun playdate!
Heidi likes to help too, especially with the wheelbarrow and the snow shovel Grandpa has had for probably 20 years. I also caught her eating popcorn off the ground that Ben had spilled the day before. Yuk! Hopefully we'll have some pictures to post of the new yard soon :)

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